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Come closer...

One of the most important things for you to know about me, is that I am just like you. I learned how to navigate this world on somebody else's timeline, answering to someone else's agenda, checking the boxes, getting it "right" doing what I should ... all while ignoring the voice inside of me.


This manifested itself into a decade of chronic body pain and inflammation.


My Mission

Is that any women who wants to know how to connect to her power; have the tools, permission and pathway.


I'm committed to transforming the world, one human interaction at a time. I'm committed to connection.


I believe, the world needs more women connected to their creative life force energy leading the way, in all walks of life.


I answered the call in 2016.


What about you?


My Why

My work stems directly from my own personal healing and self-discovery journey. My marriage, my parenting and my healing.


Prior to jumping into self-development, I worked in events and hospitality and practiced my first love; photography.


My healing has been my priority for the last six years. From my teen's into my early 20's I struggled with anxiety, depression, chronic body pains and allergies ... it wasn't until I took an honest look at what was going on inside of my mind, that most of these ailments faded into the background of my life.


When I was pregnant I heard the message, that if one day I wanted to be able to tell my child they could be whatever they wanted to be when they grew up -- I knew then I couldn't ignore my calling anymore.


Why Well Curated Wellness?

This is the intersection of personal growth work, self-discovery, intimacy and luxury experiences.


When I stepped into coaching, I knew that wouldn't be the only way for me to express myself in the world. Between my artistic eye from my former photography training, my ability to create a feel good environment and my intuitive abilities, I had to create a company that could hold all of me,

fully expressed.


If you're curious to learn more about myself, WCW and what's available for you here, book a conversation below. I look forward to connecting!

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