I told you, all the answers you seek to find 'out there' are already living within you?
What if, there was no missing roadmap or 'how to' instruction manual that everyone else got, but you.
What if the overwhelm you feel on a daily basis, is not because you're doing too much but ...
because you're doing to little of the things that light your soul on fire.
And that the way to live a life you're obsessed with day in and day out, isn't about adding more complicated to-do's to you're already overflowing calendar.
It was the simple framework you can learn to follow, that's simple effective and easy to integrate?

The 'life coaching' industry is a completely ​unregulated profession, this can be overwhelming for some. When I started coaching in 2018, it was difficult for me to label what it is I do exactly as a coach so I've called myself all kinds of things; intimacy coach, business coach, self expression coach, not a coach 'coach'.
After several years, I have come to find many similar themes with the clients I support; they are self aware, strong women, who have learned to live one way, that is no longer serving them and are waking up to a life they want, but unsure how to get there on their own.
I have no idea what a lot of other 'coaches' are doing in their conversations, but here's what I do and what my commitments are to you as a coach:
I am committed to getting curious with you. To showing you possibilities, not telling you what to do.
I use my life experiences, my trainings and intuitive skills to help you learn to help yourself. Sometimes this involves going deep into uncomfortable feelings, sometimes this involves somatic expressions of anger, fear or sadness, and at times this involves high level strategy planning of your life and or business.
Ultimately, I help you learn to help yourself, to source answers from within, to create a sense of peace everyday in your life and live from clarity not confusion.
As your coach, I am not the expert in your life, you are. I am your guide. I am walking the path of personal discovery, right there with you. I do not have it all figured out, but I am committed to doing my own inner work, so that I can show up more clearly and powerfully to support you.
Whether you're a mother, an entrepreneur, a freelancer, fresh out of university, or well into your career, I am excited to partner with you in creating a life you are so wildly in love with.
A life you can't possibly even imagine at this moment, but is waiting for you to take the leap.
But don't just take my word for it, here from some former clients below.

Kristelle, Photographer
"Today, I am no longer letting myself go with the flow unless it works for me. I am not afraid to make changes, to express my real thoughts and feelings to others, I am choosing to take care of my body first (as I now have a strong WHY), to dance, to choose a rhythm that works for me and stick to it.
I am moving through life in a way that works for me. Vic helped me choose a new mantra, which is: I go with the flow on my own terms."
3 months 1:1 coaching

M, Hypnotherapist
"Working with Victoria has been truly transformative. Her empathetic guidance, coupled with the challenging exercises and inspiring support, revitalized my personal and professional life. I gained clarity, overcame obstacles, set and maintained healthy boundaries, learned to practice self-care.
Vic's holistic approach has been instrumental in my growth, and I'm profoundly grateful for the positive impact she's had on my journey. I highly recommend working with Victoria!"
6 months 1:1 coaching + retreat

Marie, Legal Counsel
I feel like my entire perspective and approach to life has shifted for the better. My mental health is stable, my goals feel within grasp and I feel more in tune with what I want and need in life.
I feel much more secure and trusting in my life and my relationship with myself.
90 day intensive 1:1 coaching
How can Holistic Life Coaching Help You?
Women come to me with all kinds of complaints;
- mother's feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis with 'life'
- young corporate women unclear about where they're headed in life, wondering if they're on the right path
- women struggling to connect to their partner / wanting to create a conscious relationship
- entrepreneurs stuck on the wheel of overdoing, wanting to slow down and still grow their business
Through curated experiences, practices and tools I help you learn to help yourself to go from from overwhelmed, unclear about direction in life, and unable to make embodied decisions >>>
To feeling clear, grounded and powerfully choosing what serves you best, in ALL areas of your life.
Some of the process I walk my clients through;
Nonnegotiable for feeling I.e. grounded, peaceful, calm
What do you need to let go of in order to have ^^^ ? I.e. beliefs, patterns, ways of being
HARNESS THE POWER OF your Menstrual Cycle
The Decision Funnel”
Embodiment practices + breath work + inquiry method + inner child healing to support
Establishing your Signature Flow Formula
What Personalized 1:1 Coaching can include:
up to 3 calls / month (Add on in person work)
Voice Note support (Add on)
Somatic Release Sessions (in person Add on)
Requirements: Menstrual App (like Flo or Stardust) to start cycle syncing, willingness to commit 1-2 hours a week outside of coaching for planning, practices + commitments, must be coachable, ready and willing to get uncomfortable to make changes in life, suggested readings
​​If you are curious to see if I can support you, in feeling like anything is achievable for you and you're ready to take responsibility to create clarity and renewed energy in your life.
Book a 30 Minute Connection call below to start the conversation of us working together.

Stephanie, Parent Coach
"I have clarity and see know that it's not so much about my fees or my income, it's about how vulnerable and authentic I can be. I feel more balanced and at peace with my business and my current financial situation. And I am not distracted by the hustler in me, I am more present with what is."
It's like magic where I went from head to heart in a matter of moments, something that is usually so difficult for me in day-to-day life. Victoria is very skilled in what she does, it's not fluff, it's real."
3 breakthrough sessions

V, Social Media Manager
"Working with Vic was completely eye opening for me. I was in a position where my life was completely out of sorts when we started working together. She allowed me to question my own limiting preconceived notions I held about my situation in life, some that I’ve held for decades."
"She instilled a confidence in myself that I had lost along the way, and provided invaluable tools to cope with life on a daily basis. She also held me accountable for actually doing what I said I’d do to create positive change in my life. I’m so thankful for Vic and her warm and positive energy."
60 day 1:1 intensive

Alex, Mindfulness Coach
"Through working with Vic I was able to create a more balanced relationship with my coaching business and become increasingly confident in what I'm offering. Vic helped me identify the areas where my client boundaries were weak and where I was overdelivering from a place of insecurity."
"Not only did she help me instill appropriate boundaries, but she also helped me dispel the core misbeliefs I had around not being "good enough" that lead to the devaluing of my time and expertise in the first place."
3 months 1:1 coaching